FIDE World Chess Grand Prix Riga 2019 July 11-25

Klātienes turnīri

Laikā no 2019. gada 12.jūlija līdz 24.jūlijam Rīgā risināsies ļoti svarīgs notikums šaha sportā – šaha „Grand Prix” otrais posms 2019.

FIDE „Grand Prix” sērija ir galvenais notikums čempionāta ciklā, kura četrās tūrēs 22 vadošie pasaules spēlētāji sacenšas par tiesībām iekļūt Pretendentu turnīrā. Vienā tūrē piedalās 16 no 22 spēlētājiem.

!!! Ir necpieciešami aktīvi jauni cilvēki, kuriem ir iespēja veltīt minimāli 4 dienas turnīram. Mēs veidosim no dalībniekiem darba grafiku.

Šahs ir viens no masveidīgākajiem un izslavētākajiem sporta veidiem, ar to aizraujas simtiem miljonu cilvēku visā pasaulē. Grand Prix piesaista milzīgu preses, biznesmeņu, diplomātisko aprindu un šaha cienītāju uzmanību.

Projekta ilustratīvs apraksts angliski

Projekta ilustratīvs apraksts krieviski

Vairāk informācijas zemāk.


Riga will become the world chess capital in July 2019. The second Grand Prix leg will be hosted at Latvian National Library from July 11 till 25. Grand Prix in Riga will continue Championship Cycle. 16 best chess players from different countries will come to Riga to compete for Candidates Tournament participation.

!!!! Volunteers needed.

Volunteer advantages:

  • Be a part of one of the most important and prestigious world sports chess event
  • Gain valuable skills & experience working in a big international team and improve your CV
  • Get an official letter of recommendation from the most intellectual brand in the world of sport
  • Experience the atmosphere of a high-class international event
  • Get branded merchandise as a contributor’s reward


  • Smart and proactive youth
  • English language (upper intermediate and higher). Russian or Latvian language will be advantage.
  • Interested in high-standard event management skills improvement
  • Chess knowledge is preferable but not obligatory

Before June 1: submitting applications
Before June 10: candidates’ interviews

Days of work: July 11—25, except, except July 21
Approximate hours of work: 1—9 PM

To submit your application, please write to Sabira at In your letter please tell us about your university, study field, age, previous volunteering experience and why would you like to become an intern for the FIDE World Chess Grand Prix Riga 2019. CV is appreciated but not obligatory.

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